Neighbors game in the roulette

Neighbors game in the roulette

Many people who play roulette for the first time in an online casino understand the basic rules of the game. After all, as a player you can bet the chips on all kinds of numbers or combinations of all kinds of numbers listed on the roulette table.

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However, there is also another possibility to gamble on a combination of numbers and that is through the neighbor game. The neighbor game is a bit of a strange name for a game that is very popular among roulette lovers. Reason enough to tell you all about it.

What is the roulette neighbor game?

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On a roulette table, after the numbers 1 to 36 are spread over the three rows, there is also a kind of stretched-out roulette wheel shape with all kinds of numbers in it. These are not in order from 1 to 36, but in order as the numbers appear on a roulette wheel. This oval is also split into different zones called series 5/8, orphelins, series 0/2/3, and 0-game. Here you have the opportunity to bet your chips on a particular number after which the adjacent numbers automatically join in, reported Hence the name neighbor game. There is also the possibility to bet on the different zones mentioned above. People often use this area as a roulette strategy because they believe they know how a particular croupier spins.
